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According to the College of Registered Psychotherapists; Psychotherapy is primarily a talk-based therapy and is intended to help people improve and maintain their mental health and well-being.


Registered Psychotherapists work with individuals, couples and families in individual and group settings. Psychotherapy occurs when the Registered Psychotherapist (RP) and client enter into a psychotherapeutic relationship where both work together to bring about positive change in the client’s thinking, feeling, behaviour and social functioning.


Individuals usually seek psychotherapy when they have thoughts, feelings, moods and behaviours that are adversely affecting their day-to-day lives, relationships and the ability to enjoy life.

A psychotherapy client should be able to observe the following key elements over the course of their work with an RP:

  • a conversation about the benefits, risks and expected outcome(s) of the psychotherapy and the opportunity to give their informed consent

  • a clearly communicated, mutually agreed upon goal or plan for the psychotherapy

  • each therapy session has a clear beginning and a clear end where problems or concerns are presented and discussed and outcomes are explored

  • the Registered Psychotherapist demonstrates the appropriate use of boundaries to create a safe and confidential environment.

These important elements are part of the effective client-therapist psychotherapeutic relationship that is the foundation of psychotherapy. Through this relationship, RPs are expected to:

  • ensure that the client’s well-being is at the forefront of the relationship;

  • work with the client(s) to gather relevant information that will support the formulation of a plan for psychotherapy;

  • continuously evaluate outcomes of each session and the impact on overall treatment goal(s);

  • practise safe and effective use of self throughout the psychotherapeutic process; and adhere to the standards of practice for the profession.

Registered Psychotherapists will be competent to use a treatment approach or modality that is part of one or more of the categories of prescribed therapies, which include:

  • Cognitive and Behavioural therapies

  • Experiential and Humanistic therapies

  • Psychodynamic therapies

  • Somatic therapies

  • Systemic and Collaborative therapies

Our therapists here at CCP are all trained in various approaches. We will work with you to determine what course of action and goals are you have for your therapy. 



Psychotherapy has at last become a regulated and licensed profession in Ontario, with the passage of the Psychotherapy Act 2007, which received Royal Assent on June 4 2007 and proclamation on April 1, 2015.

In addition to Registered Psychotherapists, The following professions are allowed to practice the act of Psychotherapy:

  1. Nurses

  2. Occupational Therapists

  3. Physicians

  4. Psychologists and/or Psychological Associates

  5. Social Workers and/or Social Service Workers.

One of the most common questions and concerns is what is the difference between a Psychotherapist and a Psychologist. Below is an outline to help identify the major differences and similarities. 


Psychotherapy: A psychotherapist engages in a therapeutic relationship with you to talk about your challenges and reframe your thought patterns and life experiences to create meaningful change in your life. Psychotherapists see opportunity for growth in emotional health challenges. OSP members are also required to experience therapy to create empathy and understanding of the therapeutic process. 


Psychology: Psychology is the study of the human mind and our behaviours, as individuals and as couples or groups, such as family groups. A psychologist has a Ph.D. in psychology and is trained to perform psychological research, testing, and therapy.


Psychiatry: Psychiatry is the study of mental disorders with the goal of finding ways to diagnose, treat, and prevent them. This area of research assesses not only a person’s history and surroundings, but also physical factors that may contribute to mental health. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in the assessment and treatment of such mental behavioural disorders. This is the person who prescribes and monitors medication.

Information taken from

Our Psychotherapists 

Our Registered Psychotherapists are all members in good standing with the CRPO. RP (Qualifying) psychotherapists are registrants of CRPO. They have completed or are nearing completion of their psychotherapy training. They are legally authorized to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy and are required to practise with clinical supervision as they gain experience in the profession...RP (Qualifying) registrants are subject to same standards and professional obligations that apply to those in the RP category, and both categories are subject to the same Quality Assurance mechanisms and accountability frameworks."

Click here to learn more about our team of Psychotherapists 

Carly Crawford Psychotherapy Professional Corporation 

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